Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Elkhunter49
Cruz is 100% correct yet nothing will change. Pure political theater.

You need to learn something about discernment.

Some people are liars and some are not. You have been trained by Tell - A - Vision to think all are liars.

Trump hates those pukes. They've tried to kill him and Melania many times and almost succeded several.

He either pulls it off or we are at the tribulation.

list 10 accomplishment of Cruz the past 5 years. Should be easy because is just a great conservative. lol

Fought to keep the US out of the UN Arms Treaty, which would have subordinated the Second Amendment rights of American citizens to global interests.
Called for a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS’s targeting of American citizens’ political activity.
Defended Americans’ First Amendment rights against Democrats who sought to limit freedom of expression.
Galvanized national support for Houston pastors targeted and forced by the City of Houston to submit religious sermons for political scrutiny.
Defended students’ right to display banners containing religious content at school sporting events.
Successfully defended the constitutionality of the Texas Ten Commandments monument, winning a 5-4 landmark decision before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Fought and won a landmark victory at the Supreme Court in Medellin v. Texas; protected U.S. sovereignty against 90 foreign nations and the president to ensure the United States is not subject to rulings of the “World Court.”
Defended Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties against Obamacare’s contraception mandate.
Fought to help the Boy Scouts of America reverse a district court ruling barring them from leasing a public park.
Jobs and Opportunity

The first bill Ted offered as a US Senator was to repeal every word of Obamacare.
Fought for Texas jobs by authoring the NASA Transition Authorization Act, which President Trump signed into law on March 21, 2017.
Authored legislation empowering greater private sector engagement in commercial space exploration that was signed into law by President Obama.
Sponsored Audit the Fed legislation.
Authored resolution, signed by President Trump, eliminating Obama-era rules that restricted Texas’ discretion over its unemployment insurance programs.
Proposed a tax plan to dramatically reduce taxes for American families and individuals, simplify the tax code and spur significant economic growth.
Mobilized a national effort to defund Obamacare and repeal the disastrous law in its entirety.
Introduced the American Energy Renaissance Act to open up energy exploration, expand Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exports, end the crude oil export ban, that with other reforms unleashed job creation across the state of Texas.
Sponsored the Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act (ARENA), to check President Obama’s overreaching “Clean Power Plan” regulations that infringe on states’ rights, drive up costs for consumers and hamper innovation.
Fought against budget increases that failed to bring about meaningful spending reforms.
Opposed the Internet Sales Tax, and spoke against establishment politicians who attempt to impose more unnecessary taxes on Americans.
Limiting Washington's Power

Fought to protect citizens’ free speech against unlawful and unjust targeting and designations by the IRS.
Opposed budget increases that failed to bring about meaningful spending reforms.
Advocated for reforms to boost economic growth, including repealing Obamacare, deregulation, and expansion of energy production.
Opposed raising the debt ceiling without addressing out-of-control Washington spending.
Voted against establishment politicians’ Christmas handouts to K-Street.
Opposed sugar subsidies and favoring a few over the American taxpayer.
Voted to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard so that all can compete on an equal footing.
Opposed budget deals that reauthorized the Export-Import bank, a handmaiden of the Washington Cartel.
Second Amendment

“Ted Cruz is one of our nation’s leading defenders of the Second Amendment. For over a decade, Ted has fought tirelessly to defend our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and his leadership was absolutely critical to our major victories before the U.S. Supreme Court.” – NRA executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre

Led the fight in Congress to stop legislation that would restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Authored legislation to strengthen citizens’ Second Amendment rights and allow interstate firearms sales.
Argued on behalf of 31 states in District of Columbia v. Heller where the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a ban on firearms in a 5-4 landmark decision.
Awarded the NRA’s 2010 Carter-Knight Freedom Fund, which “rewards exemplary activities in the support and protection of the right to Keep and Bear Arms” for his work in the Heller and McDonald
Securing the Border

“We have to have an advocate in Congress, which I believe is Ted Cruz.”

- Border Patrol Agent Brandon Judd President of the National Border Patrol Council

Introduced the EL CHAPO Act to direct funds forfeited after the conviction of drug cartel members to construction of a wall on the southern border of the United States.
Coalesced conservatives across the country to defeat the Gang of Eight bill that failed to secure the border and would have granted amnesty to millions who came to the United States illegally.
During the Gang of Eight fight, offered a series of amendments, including measures to prevent citizenship for those here illegally, to block illegals’ access to federal, state, or local public assistance benefits, secure the border, triple the size of the Border Patrol, and implement a biometric entry-exit system.
Introduced Kate’s Law to establish a 5-year minimum sentence for those who illegally reenter the country.
Introduced with Jeff Sessions the American Jobs First Act of 2015, to reform the H-1B visa program, curb abuse, and protect American workers.
Proposed a number of measures to defund President Obama’s amnesty and prevent him from expanding it.
Servicemen and Women

Fought on behalf of the men and women injured during the 2009 terror attack at Fort Hood asserting their eligibility to receive the Purple Heart.
Successfully advocated to bring an F-35 squadron to the Naval Air Station Joint Base Fort Worth.
Helped secure more than $224 million in military construction funds to rebuild Texas’ military infrastructure.
Added language to the Military Construction and Veterans’ Affairs Appropriations bill to require the VA Secretary to provide Congress with a plan to address the long wait times for veterans seeking health care at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System.
Introduced the North Korea State Sponsor of Terrorism Designation Act of 2017.
Authored legislation calling on the Secretary of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.
Introduced the Terrorist Refugee Infiltration Prevention Act of 2015, barring refugees to the United States from any country that contains substantial territory controlled by a foreign terrorist organization.
Introduced the IRGC Terrorist Designation Act, calling on the U.S. Department of State to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization.
Called on Congress to take a three-step approach to stop the flow of funds to the Iranian regime under the terms of Corker-Cardin, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.
Twice introduced the Sanction Iran, Safeguard America Act to reinstate, impose, and expand Iran sanctions.
Introduced legislation to prevent terrorists from entering the US as UN ambassadors. The bill passed Congress unanimously and President Obama signed it into law.
Twice introduced the Expatriate Terrorist Act, to prevent terrorists who join ISIS or other terrorist groups from re-entering the country, and to make clear that citizens who collaborate with terrorists forfeit their right to US citizenship.
Spoke up for our veterans by sponsoring the Department of Veterans Affairs Management Accountability Act, to make it easier for senior executives at the VA to be fired for negligence, mismanagement, and other performance failures.
Defended the crosses at the Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial from ACLU attempts to have them removed.
Authored legislative language that provides for concept development of a space-based missile defense system to defend against the full spectrum of ballistic missile threats.
Standing with Israel

“Since arriving in Washington four years ago, Cruz has arguably been Israel’s most avid defender in the Senate.”

Caroline B Glick The Jerusalem Post

Co-sponsored legislation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Introduced measure to provide necessary funding for Israel’s missile defense, Arrow System, David’s Sling and Iron Dome.

Chaired a hearing for the Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts titled “Justice Forsaken: How the Federal Government Fails the American Victims of Iranian and Palestinian Terrorism” focused on the federal government’s failure to support the American victims of Iranian and Palestinian terrorism.
Twice introduced legislation to prohibit negotiations between the United States and Iran until Iran released the American prisoners it is unjustly detaining and recognizes Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state.
Introduced a resolution passed by Congress to condemn Hamas’ use of civilians as human shields.
Introduced legislation passed by the Senate to offer rewards to those who handed in information about the kidnappers and murderers of the 3 boys who were murdered in Jerusalem, one of them being an Israeli-US citizen.
Brought national attention to the FAA ban on flights into Ben Gurion airport and asked if they the ban was being imposed as a form of economic sanction on Israel. Due in large part to the public pressure brought by Ted Cruz, the ban was lifted.
Supports Israel’s Iron Dome program, which in defending Israel also protects US security inter

Illegitimi non carborundum