Oakster: I taught myself to reload Rifle cartridges at age 12 back in 1959.
I have NEVER had a misfire since then!
And some Varmint/predator heavy years I would go through 2,000 plus rounds of self made centerfire munitions.
I have never and will never store ANY of my components (brass, primers, powder or bullets!) in any environment where cold, temperature extremes or moisture could ever get to them.
This policy is one of the reasons I NEVER buy my components from private parties - retail outlets only for me when gathering components.
I have a life long friend who lives in the Puget Sound area of Washington state who stores his components in an unheated garage (moisture and cold is prevalent thereabouts) and his instances of "mishaps" is FAR above the norm.
My advice store your components in a warm, dry, stable temperature environment.
Hold into the wind