I’ve been scouting up bulls on the Oregon Coast. Next Saturday starts our 4 day 1st season bull hunt.

Weather has been extreme, with high winds and enough rain and hail to float Noah’s Ark ~ Perfect elk hunting conditions!

I couldn’t tell you who has the worst topography to hunt and pack out a bull across the US. But, I know with 200% certainty, if you’re not driving on rubber tires, or riding on top of hooves right up to the downed elk, it’s gonna suck, in one way or another.

Rough elk county via your legs is a hard hunting experience. Add shítty weather to it, and the situation can become miserable.

After the trigger has been pulled, the suck begins. But, once you are done with the stack and pack. There is a sense of accomplishment knowing that what you have accomplished wouldn’t even be attempted by a lot of hunters. Call it pride in the accomplishment, or whatever you want. It’s part of the game that brings some of us back again and again, while it turns others away from ever wanting to experience it again.

Congrats to iddave and his son on their elk hunt. Dave, like myself, I believe, knows our time is coming to an end for these types of hunts ~ not because we want it to. But, because the areas we are successful hunting bulls requires more than our bodies are gonna be able to give at some point...This will be my 44th year doing this same elk hunt. I’m feeling a Groundhog Days situation knowing what may be coming next week for me.

Sending Pear 🍐 to myself....LOL


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”