Originally Posted by slumlord
This one got a whole gallion in a strappy thingy

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Gotta have something to wash down all that Soma... it is a Brave New World after all.


What Is Soma?

Even in the seemingly perfect society of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, people still have bad days. Maybe a lower-caste person fails to show the proper respect, or someone lusts after another, only to be rejected. In those cases where life deals someone a little bit of unhappiness, citizens of the World State know that they can always turn to Soma, which is the recreational drug of choice in the novel.

From the sounds of it, Soma is quite the wonder drug. It's described as being able to give people vacations that rival a holiday on the other side of the moon, and yet the user WOKE up completely normal, without any sort of hangover or other side effect. It's a perfect symbol of escapism overtaking society in Brave New World.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.