Excellent article. I wish I knew how many actually read it. That might offer a gauge of how much hope exists that people are actually waking up. Despite encouraging tidbits here and there I'm not very confident of that.

♦ WHAT NOW? There is a way to stop and deconstruct the Intelligence Branch, but it requires some outside-the-box thinking and reliance on the Constitution as a tool to radically change one element within government. In the interim, we must remain focused on the three tiers that we need for success.

• Tier One is “tactical civics” at a local level. Engaged and active citizen participation at the community, city, town and hamlet level of society. This is what might be described as grassroots level, school board level; city council level; county commissioner level.

• Tier Two is “extreme federalism” at a state level. Engaged and active citizen participation through your State House and State Senate representative. This is state level assembly and action demands upon the State House, State Senate and State Governor.

• Tier Three the challenge of “federal offices” on a national level. This is where CTH outlines a singular action that can be taken upstream that allows the first two tiers to retake control over federal offices. This is where we throw the One Ring into the fire of Mordor.

Should I hold my breath?

Originally Posted by Heym06
It just kept getting worse over the years. Do to apathy of the American people.

We're way beyond apathy. Willful ignorance is where we're at. A desire, no, a desperate need to be be placated, distracted, amused and entertained - anything to avoid a close scrutiny--any scrutiny--of the truth; that We the People are dupes and have been since before the civil war. That We the People support and even congratulate those who feed us lies and manipulation. That they hold us in contempt and treat us like children because that is how we act. As long as we're warm and fed and and have shiny, pretty pacifiers to suck on, as long as we can pretend we're well on our way from comfort to luxury and self-indulgence, as long as we can much chips and watch the game and browse Netflix for our next head-in-the-sand fix, we can convince ourselves that life is grand in our little self-absorbed, upwardly mobile bubbles.

We can buy the marketing. We can swallow the pills and tell ourselves that they're red when in reality they're a deeper shade of blue.

They have us over a barrel that we ourselves constructed. How do we fight when we barely have to to be minimally informed, when being so requires more and more time and effort as the screen of chaff and bullshit becomes ever denser and shrill? When it takes a working man 24 hours to read that article, squeezing in a few paragraphs whenever his 60 hour work-week allows? When trying to provide for a decent retirement requires such a work schedule? When our children are under attack and preserving their integrity and powers of objective reasoning requires that we add educating them ourselves to that busy work schedule? When we allow ourselves to be convinced that we need that shiny object the marketers tell us will make us complete and happy and super-duper, until the next shiny object with full-glossy spread and seductive copy comes along and declares that the previous is obsolete? When we're not content until we have that open-concept floor plan, smart toilet, interactive refrigerator and Blu-ray seats?

There is no time to fight and they know it. And we can't blame them, only ourselves. We're the ones who buy their crap.

Haul ass, haul ass! - Pappy