It does hearten back to better times I would agree. I’ll play if I may. I’m a Yank from the Midwest. Western civ is all generally on the same trajectory IMO. I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion, we are living a later state in the evolution of nations in the West.

Man is generally a selfish, guileful, corrupted creature (no one here of course 😮😉) and it’s this nature throughout history (the Roman Empire being an iconic example) that eventually leads the even the most civilized, industrial, wealthy nations, once it becomes completely secularized, first to moral degradation, and then everything else follows. And many nations, for the same reasons, never reach the civilized state to begin with.

But Western Europe and the US are going right down the old Roman road. Actually, some Eastern Europe leadership is doing much better than us in preserving some “good” conservative, nationalistic values.

Just a little morning (here) philosophy, and it’s not that I have a pessimistic outlook. Good day and the best to ya.