Originally Posted by zeissman
I remember back in my town in the mid to late 60's going rabbit shooting on my bike with my .22 rifle slung over my shoulder, magazine and bolt in place and people waving out saying, "good hunting" as I rode past them. Nowadays, if I walked down to my driveway to my 4x4 with a rifle some busy body neighbour would more than likely phone the cops in panic saying, "I just saw a man with a gun, help". Woke, PC idiots.

In the mid-1980s I was a poor uni student and used to strap a rifle in a gun bag and over my shoulder, and ride my motorbike to the nearby rifle range (about 8km away) - never had any issue, either people didn't know or didn't care. This was in suburban Brisbane.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
