The problem with Americans is that since WW1 they've been indoctrinated to believe that the "USA" are the good guys, they will never rise or revolt against their rising Police Sate .... The fantasy of "good guys" has them thinking that some hero Republican "Conservatives" will magically materialize and save the Union once again ....,, not gonna happen this time around .... Republican/Democrat is a public facade, / they ALL go to the same Satanic Temple and serve one master...

what little freedoms we Americans have left ... are only allowed to keep us pacified and controlled

even Estonians have the stones to rise up .... here in the states we all would be arrested and locked up for "Domestic Terrorism" all the checks have been out into place since Bush/Clinton/Bush and got worse with Obama, now the entire country is a concentration camp waiting to be activated ...

....[Linked Image from]

"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants".