Originally Posted by Jim1611
Don't worry RTE they'll be along sometime to insult you. I suspect many of these post that come from them are a planned propaganda smear to diminish the outrage over what is taking place. As we sat safe and secure here, for a time, Jews were being escorted into concentration camps and executed at the beginning of WWII. We have history for a reason and to not learn and use it to avoid bad is as stupid as it gets.

Thanks Jim,I'm not concerned .As I told members when I fist joined,I earned my MSc degree in exercise physiology and after those years of matriculation,I learned many lessons beyond the subjects which I studied.Number one is that perseverance pays dividends.Two, that if I'm not thoroughly versed in a specific topic, I know how to search for the answer beyond a simple google search.Three would be to try and be patient with those that voice an opinion which is not steeped in facts.

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.
