Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye

This is merely being tested there. It's not of Australian origin. It's Globalist funded, inspired, and directed. It's intended for every Western nation.

Originally Posted by Remsen
Bingo. Three years ago, had someone said "in a matter of a year or two, you're going to be told by the government to wear masks, stay several feet away from anyone else and submit to experimental vaccines for a virus that has a nearly 100% survival rate" most people would have laughed it off. It's reality now and more people than not are just saying "ok, fine, let me live my life otherwise and I'll submit to this", and agreeing to every incremental increase in that kind of tyranny.

Mr. Jim, if you were to go to CA, NY or any other liberal area of the country you'd see how extensive the sheep-like compliance is. I'm shocked every time I have to go back to CA that people seem to want this kind of control over basic life choices.

The big picture seems to elude a considerable number of citizens.Hopefully they'll awaken from their intellectual slumber before we've become a total banana republic.

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.
