Originally Posted by zcm82

Voter turnout in the county I live in is typically around 60-70% on presidential election years, and 10-30% for other years or primaries.

In my opinion, there is probably a higher voter turnout that actually reported. Bad thing is, voter rolls are so out of date it is sad, or at least where I used to live. I was a precinct committeeman in my county several years ago. I had a list of all registered voters in my precinct and checked them off as they voted. This was during GWB's second Presidential run. If you subtracted all the names on the list that shouldn't have been there (due to moving or death), we had something close to 90% turnout. My sister was still on the list and she had married and moved away 10 years earlier. I don't know if this was an issue in only my county, state, or nation wide. However, I think that was the same year someone discovered there were more registered voters than there were residents in Alexander County. But that could just be an Illinois thing. If you want to see gerrymandering, just look at Illinois past and present voting districts.