Originally Posted by triplecanopy
I think that distain for politicians is pretty universal. Someone said that the trouble with democracy is that you always end up with a politician. But I di sometimes think that many of us take our freedoms for granted. (I realise at this point there may be comments about Covid and gun control ).
But we can, under normal circumstances move around our country freely from one State to another without "papers". We have freedom of assembly and we can deride our leaders as much as we like. Try that in Moscow or Beijing.
Anyone who chooses not to vote should try living in a country where that freedom doesn't exist.

We can "under normal circumstances" move around between states without papers and have freedom of assembly? In other words we only have these rights depending on governments definition of when and what normal is, and when it isnt , we now need papers lol.

Good heavens talk about putting a good spin on things. You take the glass half full philosophy to mean the glass is totally missing but you are still happy you can drink out of the toilet.