He does have some fare warthog numbers. To be honest, most of what I've seen would probably fall into the "good representative of the species" as far a trophy size. I haven't seen any of the "Harley Handlebar" size. Numbers seem to fluctuate a good bit year to year. If they have an extremely cold winter, they die off a good bit. He doesn't offer cull/management warthogs.

As far as other long as you're taking a few other animals as either culls or trophies, blackback jackals as targets of opportunity are free as well as vervet monkeys. There are a few baboons but they are very wise and generally you only hear them off in the distance barking. Terrain is pretty flat to low rolling river bottom so it's nearly impossible to get any elevation to see/shoot above the tree line.

There are occasional spotted and brown hyaena but not allowed to shoot.
