Originally Posted by Remsen
My wife, who is about a 7 on the Covtard scale (0 being Flave, 10 being Democrats), has gone to the doc three times in the last few days. She was certain she got the Chinese flu about a week or so ago, even though she's been vaxxed and boosted.

Each time, the tests come back negative and each time I tell her something like "you remember before colds and the flu got politicized? That's what you have." Then I get the nasty stares and the "I don't want to hear conspiracy theories."

Yesterday, she went to the clinic again, thinking that she has strep throat instead of the chink flu. Once again, they tested her, also for the chink flu as well as strep, and it came back negative. They told her it's a dang cold and she just needs to settle down and get through it.

And now, her sister is in town and won't stop by because she's a 10 on the Covtard scale.

I continue to ignore the nonsense and go on with my life (as it were).
Both my wife and daughter work in the emergency department of a local hospital and say they see people like this coming in all the time.....insisting that they must have covid and not believing it when told they have a cold or the flu. It's almost like they're disappointed that it's not covid.

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.