I really wanted to build one.
Wasn't looking for a top tier gun.
Just one that worked.

Looking at the pieces parts, and tools, it became apparent that
one is better off buying a gun from someone like PSA.

However, if you are willing to dig deep enough to learn about bcc, triggers,
barrels...And can get through the BS of the guys who always own the best.
Because it's theirs.
If you are willing to shop and be patient, you can eventually acquire the
parts to build a top quality gun and build IT inexpensively.

Right now you can buy a complete upper and and lower from PSA
for about $500. Some, include a high quality BCG. Or buy a kit.
The upper is assembled, you buy a stripped lower and assemble it
with the kit parts.

Really depends on what you want to end up with.
And how bad you want to say you built it.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!