Well, here's my thinking...

This is likely gonna be my one and only moose hunt; after 25 years of feeding various game departments money for lower 48 moose tags I think I can safely say it just ain't in the cards for me.

So, on a hunt like this, I always expect the best, and, be prepared for the worst. And the worst scenario I can envision is a steeply quartering-away shot on a freakin' big animal like a Canadian moose and needing that bullet to punch its way into the vitals, do the damage, and park itself somewhere's on the far front leg. Again, worst case scenario.

Like MD mentioned, I've also taken big game with all the bullets listed except the Bondstrike. But of all those on the list I'm thinking the Partition gives me the most confidence of driving the deepest, the farthest, in the event I really need it to do so.

Good 'ol boring 180 gr. Partition from a .30-06. Warm fuzzies all around...

It's you and the bullet, and all the rest is secondary.