Originally Posted by New_2_99s
Thanks Jeff - great illustration of what I mentioned above.

Background - in 2011 I was managing our local ski hill. In March, right before spring break, we had an ice storm, that took out Hydro Ones transformer, that sat atop of a pole, owned by the ski hill.

Hydro 1 boss dude tells me I have to authorize them to remove & replace the pole, at our cost.

I look from the guy, to the still smoldering pole & the burnt up transformer, shake my head & ask - "So you're telling me, that we must pay you to replace our pole, that your transformer burnt" ?


Ah, I don't think so, get me a manager on your cell & I'm going to ask him, exactly the same thing.

Guy wanders back to the crew, don't know whether he called anybody, comes back 5 minutes later & says they'll handle it.

As they're working away, another hydro 1 guy (Ski hill member) wanders past, casually smoking a cigarette, flicks his eyes to round the corner of the building.

I go back into the Chalet through the side door & exit the front door to meet him on the deck.

He tells me "good on you, you have no idea how many times we intimidate people into paying, for what should be our responsibility" !

Mighta bought him a beer or 3 the following weekend.

I don't understand this BS. It's not like they're on commission.