Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
I recently completed an investigation on a guy who already has 27 felony convictions. 27 times he’s been to court and plead/found guilty of a felony. 27 for crying out loud. 23 of those felonies were 364 day jail sentences (365 means prison, and more expense) that had at least 330 days suspended. During various probation violations, he never had to serve any of those suspended jail days.

The Oregoinian did a story on a thief.
66 years old, 43rd burglary conviction in 50 years.
He's a worthless piece of human garbage.
He's contributing absolutely nothing to society.
Take him out back and put a bullet in the back of his head, off to the landfill.

Oh, am I supposed to have some pithy saying here? Sorry, not today.