Gotta go to Montgomery county DMV tommorow.
Paid off Khans car 2 months ago.
Lien holder finally sent the fugging title..

Transfer that schit into her name.
Let little miss khan go trade in that fugga herself.
Dont wanna listen to me about sitting on that fugga till oct or nov for same model yr trade in.
And banking the 4500 we can save with no car payment till then.
Then sell the fugging thing private sale
And use that money also to her new car.

Bout a 10k downpayment on what the fugg ever she wants I figure
we could have by nov and not touch a cent in the checking account.


You take your little happy azz and do what the fugg ever.
And when they pull up the vin and start lowballing ya cause of all the times you stove the thing up and wango tango,d the schit outta it in your ohhhh so frequent accidents....

Dont come home saying you only got this amount for trade in all boo boo face about it.

Transferring the title to her.
I wash my hands of it.
I will say to her don't say I didn't tell you so on what you should have done versus what you just did when she gets her new car...

Talked to numbnuts about lease options also using her car as trade in.
Get something she really likes
Lease down payment use diff to lower monthly payment from it.
Turn the fugga in 3 or 4 yrs down the line.
Not taking a huge depreciation hit on new off the lot car...
Wont listen to schit....
Been buying this woman new cars every 3 to 4 yrs since 1993
Stoves everyfughing one of em up
Everyfughing time.
Stupidest accidents possible.
Totally aloof blind melly jelly schit...

Wash my hands of it all tommorow, so if I gotta sit in the DMV for howfuggingever long I gotta, I'm gonna tommorow.


Last edited by renegade50; 01/18/22.