Originally Posted by pahick
Originally Posted by Bristoe

But I ain't had the Covid!

That you know of. We're all walkin petri dishes lol. I got J&J last May. Ive been exposed to so many +s it aint funny. But im still here, for now.

My wife is a nurse in a hospital. She get's exposed to Covid on a regular basis. She had to get the Vax to keep her job,,..so I got one too. We both specifically sought out the J&J.

I don't know if it makes any difference, but every other Nurse she works with got the Pfizer/Moderna Vax and all of them came down with Covid, eventually,.....mild cases, however.

No issues for my wife. But now I've got blood platelet issues.

To be totally candid about the matter, I don't know if the vaccine had anything to do with it. My platelet level has been rising for a few years. But recently it went well above normal. (CALR mutation in my bone marrow to get all doctory about it)

I've read up and consequently know more about spike proteins and Essential Thrombocytosis than any layman ought to have to.

I can wax eloquently about JAK2, CALR, and MPL bone marrow mutations and I've had a core sample drilled out of my pelvis, recently.

But in any event, if the Hydroxyurea doesn't kill me, it'll fix me, and it hasn't killed me yet.

My guess is, I'll schitt and die from anemia from all the blood they're pulling out of me before the Thrombocytosis morphs into something lethal.

But how many times can a man be expected to mow the grass, anyway?,.....yanno?