You did well. I paid $50 a bag last week for #9s and heard that it went up again by a couple bucks. Wondering how high it can go before we all re-evaluate our choices. I'd already cut back from 9 rounds/ week to 6. Then when my trap club shut down for the winter, due to a mask mandate, my initial thought was "at least I'll be saving some ammo." So now, I'm down to 4 rounds/wk, shooting two days a week instead of 3. Many shooters have just stopped or have also cut way back. Club revenues are way down from 2 years ago. The only talk one hears now at my club is where to get primers or ammo and how much they cost. It's become almost a part-time job. Small businesses that used to supply components have gone out of business. In 50 years of shooting, I've not seen it this bad.