Originally Posted by towerladder
Hi... from a few comments above, brought it all back to me. And many of you feel the same way. Was a huge baseball fan in the early '60s, living in nyc with the Yankees made it easy. Trouble was the winters, until, my Father had a football game on , the playoffs Giants vs Packers, who destroyed them. THAT was it . i was mystified. Lombardi, Starr, Nitschke, Kramer, Hornung, Taylor, Fuzzy, etc etc. I LIVED every victory with them over the next few years and died every defeat. Saw EVERY game that was televised with hem in it. All the playoffs, both Super Bowls. Then like a fart in the breeze, they were all gone. And then the bs that still continues today started; ya-ya dances, ball spiking, swinging from the goal posts etc etc. The PRIDE was all gone. It got brutal for me. Haven't watched NOTHING of foolball these days with their criminals, antics, and other tom -fooleries. GO TO HELL !
But in '16 did something i promised i would do moments after the Packers won the infamous Ice bowl game; I would visit Green Bay someday. Did the usual tourist traps, Lambeau, practice field, Rip off Packer stores with crap from china, but it still brought me back to those innocent years of the '60s. It made me remember that i had made one other promise. I always wanted to meet Bart Starr. I wrote him a letter as he was living his last days in his Alabama. Bart's son responded back saying that his Dad was moved by my letter and would like to meet with me. I'm so glad that i was given the opportunity to meet with him. As he fought through the condition that would finally take his life, i still saw in him the epitome of what a decent Christian gentleman should be, something he was always known for during his playing years. When we parted, I in tears, all i could say was " I love you man", to which he replied "I love you too' He would pass 9mths later. God rest his soul and to those professionals who played football when pride still mattered.

Well said, Bart Starr was the greatest quarterback of all time, not only for his play on the field but his generosity off of the field. Its such a shame that he constantly gets overlooked as the greatest of all time.