I used to be an avid collector of Confederate currency and bonds. I had unexpected spinal issues back in 2004 that dramatically changed the direction of my life. I decided to part with the vast majority of my collection a couple of years afterwards. You do what 'ya gotta' do and I made a decent profit from it. For the last 30 or so years I buy a sheet of whatever new or commemorative stamps the post office comes out with and set them aside. They will never be worth more than face value probably in my lifetime, but they may be something my grandchildren will someday value. My wife has a rather extensive collection of a china pattern that I have helped her accumulate over the years. At one time I started gathering a collection of sterling silverware of a particular long discontinued pattern that my departed parents had during my childhood. I once had grand visions of large family gatherings at Thanksgiving and Christmas where I would break out the collectable china and real silverware at my country estate. Oh well, so much for that idea. I've thought about selling the silver, but haven't had the heart to do so. I don't need to sell it, I just don't see much need to keep it anymore. Let the heirs fight over it. I started to collect/refurbish Coleman lanterns and stoves several years ago, but gave it up after maybe two years or so. I just lost interest in it. Still have about a dozen. I guess the oddest thing I collect is key chains/fobs. I really don't know why, I just do. I have a drawer that whenever I come across something different: advertisement, style, gadget, etc., key chain I'll throw it in that one key chain drawer. Just something else for my wife to throw away after I'm gone. I have a few WW I & WW II military rifles and pistols in storage. I probably really ought to sell them as I never take them out to shoot anymore. I don't even get them out to fondle anymore. I still am an active shooter, just not them. I suppose you could also say I am a collector of history books, particularly WBTS history. I really don't know how many I have, but I would say at least a couple of hundred. I have told my wife what privately owned/managed library I want them donated to when the time comes. I do not want them in some damned flea market. Oh, yeah. I guess you could say I'm kinda' a collector of iron cookware as well. I don't have anything much that are of collectable value as such, but I do have an overly extensive amount of various skillets, pots, dutch ovens, bread pans, and various accessories. I'm a sucker for a good piece of cooking iron. Something for the heirs to haggle over, I suppose. I collect coins as well. Nothing of much value, really. I keep a few collections books around and fill them from time to time from pocket change. Sometimes when I get real bored I will go to the bank and get rolls of coins to go through to fill the collection books. While they have little value now over face value, coins now minted in the 1950s will be 125 years old when my grandson matures. Maybe they will be worth something then? Doesn't cost me much to set them aside for him. I guess that's about it. My wife thinks I am somewhat of a hoarder. She is probably right, but I won't admit it to her.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."