I hear that Biteme has said he wants a black woman to fill the spot. I have no idea why being either a black or a woman gives anyone an automatic qualification for the position over anyone else on the planet. I suppose that a knowledge of Constitutional law and a history and tendency to make sound judgements based on such is no longer a requirement or desirable trait. So, who is on the top of Biteme's list? The Ho? Be a good way to get rid of her. Maybe Stacey Abrams, the idiot black lesbian woman from Georgia who claims to have won the last governor election there? How about Chicago mayor Lightfoot? She being black, a lesbian, and with her astounding record as mayor, she would be an excellent Democratic candidate for the position. How about this: How about a candidate chosen not for his or her race, but for their knowledge and respect for our Constitution as written? How about one that has a proven track record of sound legal decisions, within the provisions, protections, and restraints of the Constitution? How about someone fair and competent? What a novel concept!

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