i have been told 46 states allow x-bows during archery season for Handi-cap hunters i feel that is wonderful ,some of us are now handi - cap because of age or health maybe both too. not sure but i think there are some Federal provision to help handi-cap hunters . i also have been following the law suit in Montana about not allowing x-bows during archery season for true handi-cap hunters . Montana Bowhunter Association is totally against handi - cap bowhunters in archery season this sure seems selfish and shameful . i do hope the Federal government steps in and changes this rule / law , there is a lot of Federal land in Montana that could have a different rule / law on this ? maybe the Feds could also take some funds away from Montana tell they change this x-bow rule / law ? SHAME ON MONTANA !

LIFE NRA , we vote Red up here, Norseman