Originally Posted by pete53
Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
pete53: Me thinks thou knowst NOT of what he speaketh!
REPUBLICAN Greg Gianforte IS the Governor of Montana - I know I worked long and hard and donated to him! I celebrated when he won.
We also have a Republican as our lone Montana United States Representative and one of our United States Senators is a Republican and a Republican is leading in the polls for our soon to be SECOND United States Congressional Representative which will be in effect come November!
Our state legislature is solid Republican in both houses and the populous in Montana will NOT re-elect jon "two fingers" (d) testor as United States Senator should that back stabbing son of a bitchin demonrat decide to run again!
President Donald J. Trump won Montana by 57% to 40% for china joe biden and his ho in 2,020.
So, IF... you are implying that Montana is a demonrat state you are ignorant of the facts!
Hold into the wind

glad Montana finally did turn Red again ! they did in the past have a Liberal Governor.. so when is Montana going to overrule these Montana Archery Association selfish bowhunters so handi-cap bowhunters can hunt in Montana during all of the archery season ? still seems shameful that the handi-cap and disabled can still pay taxes but have no rights to hunt when its warm during the entire archery season ? maybe the political correct people can show a little effort and help us crippled young and old regular people , Montana show a little unselfish pride !

Boy you sure do want to hunt Montana really bad your way even though they have no deer or elk. I'm confused.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....