Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by elkhunternm
Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by elkhunternm
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Ole ElkTurdBurglar has never seen a set of those in real life either. You mentally deranged Cyber Stalker ! 😜

Seems every one on the Campfire is a mentally deranged Cyber Stalker. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😜🤪🤪

Except for Chief Campfire Liar ElkTurdBurglar.

What is that saying "Accuse others of what you do" that is "elkslayer"91 modus operendi.

Yep. Ole ElkTurdBurglar is the King of Projection.
Losing in Life Must Suck.
You can bet your ass everything he accuses us on here is part of his Personal History. He’s pretty much proved he’s an Eggspurt on all of it.
And King of The Campfire Liars.

We all know how this is gonna end. Preacher Bill will be front page news. Either Arrested with a 1000 pictures of little prepubescent boy’s dicks. Or up on a rooftop with a gun he stole sniping away at all his “enemies”.
Cause Lord knows he doesn’t own any real guns except for his Daisy Red Ryder B.B. gun. Folks with his degree of Paranoid Schizophrenia can’t pass a background check because of the multiple times they’ve been committed

He shows all the Classic Signs:
Here are just a few.
1. Delusions
Misinterpretations are common in people who are diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Delusions normally mean when a person believes in an idea that is not realistic but stays adamant that that illusion is real. It is almost impossible to make the affected see the reality of the notion because it is already made up in their minds that, that idea is factual.
There are a number of aberrations Schizophrenia and these include Delusions of persecution: This is when the affected think that people are out to get them or have a personal vendetta against them.
Delusions of grandeur: This when the diagnosed think they are somebody well-known and significant.
Another words, ElkTurdBurglar’s a Legend in his own mind. 🤪 Legal Scholar, Elk Guide, Golf Range Pro Long Range Driving Champion, etc.

2. Hallucinations
Hallucinations are when you hear the voices of sounds in your head. The voices are normally those of people you know. The voices often come in different forms ranging from positive and negative. The person often responds to the voices and this becomes a conversation but it is really just a dialogue made by one person with nobody retorting. The conversation is of great importance to the diagnosed and the individual sees nothing wrong with speaking to the voices in her head.

Ole ElkTurdBurglar AKA Happy Cramper / Preacher Bill must have a cast of thousands in there. 🤪

3. Disorganized Speech
Disordered speech is when the individual twists his words during his speech. He might start a conversation with a specific topic and end up concluding it in a totally different subject. In addition, it becomes extremely difficult to sustain a thought let alone think about one subject at a time. The person has difficulty focusing for a long period of time and may often deviate on the subject matter at hand.

This trait shows up when he’s rambling on about us all being “mentally deranged Cyber Stalkers and then rambles on about being Commies, or Democrats, or “Brown Shirts”
It’s included in almost every post of his rambling diatribes.
Shows up in most every post he makes. 🤪🤪🤪

It becomes increasingly difficult to hold a conversation with a person who is diagnosed with Schizophrenia because they can’t stick to one subject. Common indicators of disordered dialogue comprise of, Neologism: This is when the person uses words that only make sense to him alone.
Sound Familiar? 🤪🤪🤪

And this one really sticks out:
Preservation: This is when the person repeats his words, statements, and conversations over and over again.
Classic ElkTurdBurglar Attack mode. 🤪🤪🤪

And more Classic Schizoid behavior of ElkTurdBurglar:

4. Disorganized Behavior
Disorganized behavior for a person who is diagnosed with Schizophrenia is when the individual is incapable of taking care of their thoughts, goals, or how they reason with other people. 🤪🤪🤪

And of course:

6. Hostility
The individual tends to become very aggressive towards people. They are no longer in a position to present themselves in a calm and subtle way. Attacks anyone who disagrees with their distorted view. 🤪🤪😜

7. Extremely Disordered or Irregular Motor Conduct
The extreme condition of asymmetrical motor behavior may be obvious in a number of ways. These comprise of: Naïve ridiculousness to erratic tension: the person may start behaving like a child or reasoning like one. 🤪🤪🤪

One of these days. Won’t be long. Ticking Time Bomb.
The strain will be more than he can bare. 🤪🤪🤪

That explains a lot about "elkslayer"91 CHL.

Thanks for explaining it. smile

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Take your responsibilities seriously, never yourself-Ken Howell

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