Thanks to all for submitting cold weather gloves that work for you. Currently I have a menagerie of cold weather gloves that work for me in cool to below zero cold. You could say one size does not fit all conditions. On the move in brush, thickets and downfalls I like a deerskin glove and my favorite all around glove and particularly like the grip it gives me on a shotgun and rifle. When more insulation is needed I go with a split cowhide leather glove insulated with 100 grs of Thinsulate. (Why not deerskin? Cheaper found at the local farm store). If more insulation is needed I turn to military surplus trigger finger gloves. I treated the trigger finger with a couple coats of Fiebings leather balm to give it more dexterity.

In open country or on stand if I need hand insulation I start with Mechanix Utility (leather trim). Colder weather I turn to Gates glove with 100 grs Thinsulate. Really cold I put on the Military surplus trigger finger gloves
[Linked Image from]

Last edited by roundoak; 03/03/22.

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