Well, I just had my third colonoscopy about two weeks ago. Have fun with the Miralax. Drank that crap about 9 in the AM and it didn't take hold till about 1 PM. Shortly after that is was Katy bar the door and thing didn't quit till about 9 that evening. Next day was the big event. I went through it without sedation and got to watch the whole shoe on the monitor. Interesting trip. Doc found two polyps which he removed and an ugly looking spot that looked like a half hardened scab. Not good I'm thinking and sure as hell, it's some form of cancer. I guess it was worth it going though all the misery of he prep and having done two under sedation and one without, not much difference. Even under you feel the gas pains when they pump you full of air so that they can see inside. It only lasts for a few minutes that feels like centuries.
Now I have the good fortune (?) to hook up with the doc who is supposed to fix things. Just hoping like mad I don't end up with a bag. FWIW, I seriously doubt I will ever have to do another colonoscopy. I'm about halfway to birthday #84.

To the OP, enjoy the journey. I hope that drain cleaner works for you. Not something I would voluntarily do. BTW, prune juice works exceptionally well for me. Usually two glasses at the most does the job. I also like eating a few prunes every other day or so.

Edited to add: This really is a pretty schitty subject. grin
Paul B.

Last edited by PJGunner; 03/13/22.

Our forefathers did not politely protest the British.They did not vote them out of office, nor did they impeach the king,march on the capitol or ask permission for their rights. ----------------They just shot them.