If you aren't prepping for a colonoscopy and just trying to get regular while on a low carb diet you need to get some fiber in your system, along with some liquids to move it along. I have IBS and for awhile I couldn't hardly leave the house because I never knew when I would have to find a bathroom post haste... my doc- who I'm seeing tomorrow to set up my third Colonoscopy- set me up with some synthetic psyllium fiber . Worked great and got me regular as an alarm clock. After several years being on it the symptoms went away so I stopped taking it. Besides , the gas got so bad I'm pretty sure the neighbors were going to call the DEQ to report a noxious gas in the neighborhood, my wife was going to divorce me, my buddies made me sleep in my own tent on hunting and fishing trips, and I was banned from several stores once they figured out who was making that disgusting smell.... wink

Afterwards, of course, my doc told me he should have put me on a different fiber, but the public shaming remains as a sensitive subject around my house.... bonus is the fiber reduces internal inflammation caused by our typical American diet.

All in all, though, I find a couple cups of coffee in the morning is enough to get me going just fine and a donut or something similar tends to smooth things out a bit...


Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.