Originally Posted by SKane
Originally Posted by jfruser
Low carb without, uh, "downstream results" means you are doing low carb wrong.

You want to move things along? Plenty of roughage. Salad grens, green beans, all those veggies that have no/super low carbs.

For keto/low carb, fiber content "doesn't count" against your carb limits. Thtais how you can get keto bread with "3 grams net carbs". Take advantage of this and do the keto colon blow.

All that stuf needs water to process and dehydration will slow down your colon with about any diet.


Originally Posted by Mike_S
The prep has a side effect, killing microbes in your gut along with the cleanse.

Add to these ^^^^^^^
Exercise helps move things along and after the cleanse use a good probiotic mix of about 15 different bacteria which works on both small and large intestine to reestablish good gut flora. These capsules range from about $10 to $60 for about a months worth (one a day). I use about a $30-35 one. Don't know that more is any better unless you have very difficult problems.

As others have stated include lots of greens in your diet, they count little toward carbs and cals and really improve the health of your lower colon.

Another side effect of having good gut flora is that it can improve your immune system.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.