
I'm just checking back before bed and I will be up front with you. I never held anything against you since I signed up to this mental ward of a forum. A few months ago I read something that you wrote that I considered worthy of putting on my ignore list. It sounded to me, at the time, that you wanted to make sure to distance yourself from me. I think it had to do with a comment concerning my gospel post a while back.
I'm one to let bygones be bygones and not hold needless grudges. The time has been long enough to forget what you said and certainly forgive whatever it was. I checked a handful of your posts and didn't think that you believed the Bible until now as I read a few Bible quotes. I will presume the best, that you indeed believe the Bible.
I apologize for holding a faded memory as an issue of division toward you. Whatever that is has been forgiven. I removed your name from the "ignore" function and whatever the past statement was is gone as far as I'm concerned.
I ask that you pardon me for my statement about you concerning the Lord. The context is gone as is my current recollection. I hope we can put needless grudges behind us. Your enemies have been obsessed with becoming my enemies too. I think it good to have such enemies as I would not want those enemies of the Lord as friends. Since they attack you such, you must be doing something right.

Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Originally Posted by Happy_Camper
It's beyond my imagination too. Those people are twisted. Did you check the link I just posted?
Guess what they are protesting?
The speaker up front who doesn't want his little boy's pecker chopped off by his lesbian mother, who is grooming and transitioning him to be her "little girl." A judge ruled against the father's parental rights.

Happy Camper, you need to address this request immediately.


As to this quote, you are mistaken. It was not directed to you. I was responding to Chuck about the link I previously posted half a dozen or so up. I don't think that he was addressing you either. I was referring to my link to the college classroom where the unfortunate boy's father was trying to speak about his case and mother.