I'll likely be buying soon as well, but will be going CPO.

Mom passed recently, and she was staying in my house (renting from me). Old lady and I are thinking of moving in versus selling right now, but it will add 80 miles a day (round trip) to my commute, which is currently 8 miles a day. Do not want to put those kind of miles on my 2017 Tacoma (currently at 30k miles after 5 years) which is my "forever truck". Have been fixing it up and adding goodies to carry me into and back out of the woods until I die. So, I'll buy a nice commuter that will keep me comfortable on the long drives, and park the Tacoma except for what I bought it for, excursions out to the sticks.

Thinking a CPO Lexus NX or RX hybrid will make the commute a little more comfortable, and ease the gas hit on the wallet.

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.