Mine was a Marlin Mdl 25. I saved for months to buy it, then it went on sale at the store where my sister-in-law worked. Oh Boy!! With her discount I had enough for it and a brick of ammo. I think I was twelve or thirteen.

Still have the rifle and couldn't begin to guess how many rounds have gone through it. There were several days that I went through a brick +. It has accounted for a truck load of squirrels and groundhogs, blackbirds, starlings, a few crows and snakes. Even one rather large snapping turtle that we decided would make a fine meal when my brother hooked it while fishing. Thank goodness & GOD for a mom who was understanding and willing to cook just about anything.


Those who are always shooting off at the mouth usually aren't shooting straight.

What do you get when you cross a polar bear with a seal? A polar bear.

Did you hear they arrested the devil? Yeah, they got him on possession.