Originally Posted by patbrennan
How about suitable rods/reels for this kind of fishing. I am mostly interested in trout (streams and lakes) though a smallmouth would be welcomed (and a handful)!

I have a bunch of rods in ultra/medium lite from 4’6 to the 7’ range but recently ordered an 8’ two piece from St Croix. Avid series spinning rod. I bought it for trips I take to the Territories each summer and the grayling fishing. Should be a hoot. Smallmouth will be great on it but most of that fishing I do is in rivers bouncing jigs and the rod won’t react fast enough to avoid snagging.
Probably a lake use rod other than the graying.

I do have a Fenwick 10 or 10’6 two piece ultra light, forget which length I’ve used for smallies in lakes and it’s super fun but it’s maybe just a touch too much rod for that type of spin fishing. Sort of awkward casting but what a riot with a 2lb fish on. I caught a 21 inch smallie years ago on it and what an epic battle watching all that rod bow all the way down into the lake and relax back up over and over.
I think this new 8’ will be just right and being I haven’t the patience for a fly rod anymore this “crossover” should be the ticket.

All said above for working a River for smallies as I do so much I use a 6’6-7’6 medium, or med lite fast action rod. Casts the light lures long and has the spine stiffness to keep my jigs bottom bouncing quickly, reacts quickly. Also on calm mornings or evenings that size rod has enough length and spine to thro small spinner baits, reeling them in quickly to gurgle the calm surface. A killer method.


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