Originally Posted by Fubarski
No statute of limitations for murder.

Different prosecutor could put it in front of a different GJ, present different evidence, and get an indictment.

So in theory, this ain't over yet.


You are absolutely nuts. You will “never” get a Murder conviction to stick on a guy who was being physically assaulted on property he had a legal right to be at. The appellate court would rubber stamp a reversal and find the defendant not guilty so fast you wouldn’t even see their arm move.

You just said a person being physically assaulted has zero right to defend himself. That is how crazy azz Commies think.

What evidence is going to be presented to a new GJ to prove a person being assaulted doesn’t have the right to use deadly force under the Castle Doctrine law?

Holy crap. The sheer magnitude of stupidity being displayed is unimaginable.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)