Have a cousin that almost got in big trouble in London carrying an everyday pocket knife. He had a demascus William Henry folding knife, I’m guessing with a 3” blade. Very expensive but a nice pocket knife is “his thing”, if you get my point. Anyway, he was in line going into a restaurant and a policeman stopped him asking what that thing was clipped to his pants pocket. He innocently pulled it and to showed off his prized knife. The policeman quickly took it, called another officer over, and interrogated him for a hour. He was completely honest (had not read the laws) and was told he should be taken to jail immediately as it was as serious as having a gun on him. Long story short, they confiscated his knife and would not give it back. Point is, be aware of the laws and act accordingly. Outside of the USA, it’s a different set of rules, even if we take basics for granted like a simple pocket knife.