Originally Posted by Teal
Originally Posted by kolofardos
Yes! Last one used us a stepping stone on the way to starting his own company. He's now our competition, but I have no animosity, just admiration. Love to see the young guys with ambition, not just showing up for a paycheck.

I've always felt a great sense of pride when people I've hired have gone onto greater roles elsewhere, started their own thing or became peers/leaders themselves. Especially if they still reach out to me to talk and discuss shop.

Had one young lady reach out last week for advice on an interview she was having with a great freight tech company specializing in procurement. She worked for me 3 companies ago.

She ended up with the job and I couldn't be happier for her. Hired someone with raw skills but high ceiling - it's my job to help them get to the ceiling and often - that's at the expense of my own team as they leave.

Me too. I've had several go on to great things. Makes me proud to see them get after it and work hard to get it.