Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd
How do we know about the resurrection of Christ? Where is it revealed to us? In the scriptures. If they were filled with myth, what part of it, if any, would you believe? BTW, no archeological find has ever disproved any location or history, as it is told of in the scriptures. It matters a great deal.
I respectfully disagree. If the Resurrection of Jesus is true…if it did in fact really happen…then ‘that’ is what matters the absolute most. Fine theological points that were once considered important and worth debating oughta evaporate in light of the reality of Jesus’ Resurrection.

The foundation of Christianity is ‘not’ an inspired book, but rather the events that inspired the book; events that inspired writers…under the guidance of the Holy Spirit…to document these events, along with insights and conversations, with the pivotal and founding event being the Resurrection of Jesus.

While it’s true that we would likely not know of these events had they not been documented, it’s equally true that they were documented hundreds of years before there ever was a Christian Bible; and it’s equally true that these events, not the record of these events, are what birthed Jesus’ movement.

The Bible didn’t create Christianity. Christianity is the reason the Bible was created. Christianity would still be true even if there were no Bible’s.

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