Thanks fellers. Sepsis appears to be gone, but Dad will be on antibiotics for another week. The pancreas biopsy should happen tomorrow AM. Will be 2 days or so before we know the results. Doc told him he had one marker for cancer, but I remain optimistic that the mass/tumor will be benign because we have no history of cancer (pancreatic or otherwise) in our family.

I told him of all your prayers and well-wishes, which really lifted his spirits and he wanted me to make sure and thank y'all on his behalf. Many thanks from me as well.

I will post an update when we know the results of the biopsy.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue