40 yrs ago the hoots were very different folk from where they are now. There are variation in the type of colony they run, 2 or 3 different sects within the church. some are very old school, some are very modern. I can remember the current farm boss at the one, as a teenager, coming in and wanting a radio for the pickup, his dad was the preacher also, said no. Skip to now, all have phones, all have radios in the truck, computers, GPS guided implements automated anything they can. The gov't property restrictions on the church got taken off a few yrs back and they got busy buying land and starting up new colonies. Now they are taxable and run the farms as farming corporations. Oilpatch was paying a lot of their expenses with lease rentals. One patch outfit around here folded maybe 4 yrs ago, 660k owed to one colony in leases for that year, they likely run 30 sections of land. The ones around here are pretty sharp, but, also a product of the outbreeding program from the 70's and 80's. You can tell with some of the colonies, some had some serious issues with the inbreeding.