Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
The idea that a rifle barrel has to be cleaned to within an inch of its life or it is considered dirty....bothers me.

Total agreement ☝🏽 on this.

I was a fanatic about clean barrels until I had a long conversation with a former special forces shooter who called BS on the excessive cleaning methodology.

After a lot of questions by me on wtf are you talking about? He simply said - “The barrel will tell you when it needs to be cleaned by how it’s shooting”.

“Unless the barrel is soaking wet or full of mud and needs the hose”. “Just wet a cleaning square with your favorite cleaning solution”. “Run the patch thru a couple of times - wait a few minutes - then run dry patches down the tube until the patches come out clean”.

I’m haven’t looked back since, and my rifles all shoot great, until they don’t. Then I follow the above for cleaning and it’s back to regular scheduled programming.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”