Good morning - afternoon there I see - to you my cyber friend, I hope the week's been going more than less okay for you all.

Thanks for the link and the read, it was very well researched I see and mirrors some of what I've read in other places.

There was something on the local Kelowna news last night about this actually and I wasn't paying close enough attention to comment, but they were talking about beginning some excavations in Kamloops. There is still some resistance from the FN folks up there to allow exhumations or excavations for a number of reasons so we'll see if it ever happens or not.

I've watched an interview that Jordan Peterson had with a FN artist who was in a residential school and his account was horrific to say the least.

Was it unique or common is the first question and then of course was it unique or common in all or even most residential schools?

Personally, I cannot comment intelligently because it's become like the situation in Ukraine where the truth has been the first casualty and the usual suspects are front and center manipulating the story for their benefit.

None of this should be taken to defend anything done by anyone to anyone else either. Hopefully that's clearly stated.

It's interesting that the chief from the Kootenays got brushed under the rug so quickly as I do recall their statements being released and found it interesting to say the least.

Also a point of "interest" is that where I sit and type is about dead center of where the Canadian church burnings began. The first I believe was 113 year old Sacred Heart Mission on Penticton Band land, then one in Oliver/Osoyoos was torched and an attempt in Keremeos was made as well. There is strong evidence that another church on the Oliver/Osoyoos band being set ablaze sparked the huge Nk'Mip Fire which burned 17,500 hectares more or less. Nobody and I do mean no body is willing to talk openly about that little tidbit, but several folks who were fighting the fire have stated privately that is the case.

Again it's a sign of the times we're in I suppose? That speaking the truth if it's not the flavor of the day can be fatal to one's work life and possibly even more than that?

Anyways sir, I've got to get back at it but thought I'd comment.

All the best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"