Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by Beaver10
I had a plumber at the house yesterday. His son is former SF and now employed by the State Police in Delaware.

The plumber was asking his boy if gun confiscation became a reality, would the State Police or other local LE agencies be tasked with collecting the banned firearms?

The kid said, no way. It would be an impossible task going to the millions of homes, chasing firearms.

The FBI and ATF don’t have that kind of manpower either…He figured all the politicians could do is make a weapon illegal to own. Ask for the population to voluntarily surrender the weapon(s) and call it a win for the anti-gun lobby.

The thing is that would be a huge win for the democrats. So what if they don’t go door to door taking guns. If you’re unable to buy another one and have to live the rest of your life in constant fear hoping that you don’t get ratted out or otherwise caught and get a mandatory 10 years per weapon prison sentence something akin to what East Germany was like.

Or living with the knowledge that if you give them to your kids when you pass that they’ll be looking at 10 years in federal prison per weapon on top of the lost monetary value of your own property since you can’t legally sell them. The government won’t get them all on day one but will have nearly all of them within a few decades by hook or by crook.

I get exactly what you’re saying. Like most of us, we all know going anti-gun isn’t going to prevent anything. People, especially the mentally infirm will always harm people.

At some point, and I don’t know when, our nation needs to accept that some people, after being evaluated, must to treated in a secure facility, until they are deemed no longer a harm to society. If the individual never reaches that level of certainty. They need to be kept secured and away from the public.

Prisons for the mentally unstable isn’t the answer, either. I have always called BS on those people and organizations that say police need to be trained up to know how to best handle a crazy person. For fûcks sake, crazy is hard enough. Crazy and armed is a whole other barrel of monkeys. Most cops have more than enough training on how to de-escalate a situation. And they do try.

It’s pretty damn funny, with all the defund the police yapping, and the budgets cutting being done with some of the money said to be going into new, non-Leo safety agencies that will send a person with mental health training on a mental distress individual call out. I have yet to see or hear of a single call out from a 911 call where the police are not being sent to the address first.

Where’s those front line social workers who know best how to defuse a situation? Again, it’s all public and political theatrics.

But wait for it...Now the Liberal politicians are trying to claw back that budget money, because law abiding citizens are being hammered by the criminals and the mentally ill. They now realize it was a knee-jerk reaction to a political agenda that they and the media created over George Floyd.

The anti-gun lobby and Liberal politicians want others to believe in a utopia of safety. They sell that utopia to people who don’t own or actually use firearms, but it always becomes a nightmare for the law abiding citizens who suffer from being victimized. No guns is their false utopia they have been selling since before the Brady Bill.

The anti-gun lobbying won’t change. It makes them too much money. There is a silver lining, though....Since George Floyd, BLM, Antifa, riots, protests and Biden. More firearms have been sold in the US to first time gun owners than ever before.

People are scared, as they should be, and they are armed.

Long live the 2nd


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”