Another Neo NAZI chimes in. Soviet Union!!!!!! Communists !!! Has zero clue of the politics in the region. Just another Biden useful idiot


Originally Posted by Willto
ethnic Russians being murdered, and bio-laboratories on their border.

Yeah cause Putin just cares so darn much about ethnic Russians in other countries. Sometimes they have to pause top level meetings at the Kremlin so that he can have a moment to collect himself and wipe away the tears flowing down his face over the plight of ethnic Russians all over the world. Gosh darn it, if only he didn't CARE so much.

LOL! You people need to switch drug dealers because your current guy is lacing your stuff with a combination of angel dust and LSD. Putin doesn't give two S^*ts about the Russians "IN RUSSIA" much less ethnic Russians in foreign countries. Sweet Jesus. How have you people made it this far in life without someone selling you farm land in the everglades or without giving a Nigerian prince the routing number to your bank account.

Putin wants to rebuild the old Soviet Union. As a nice little side benefit of taking Ukraine in the pursuit of that dream he also gets their oil and natural gas reserves. Not to mention some highly coveted Black Sea ports also. The excuses he offers up are the same kind of BS cover story that all dictators use. In fact some of old Putler's listed reasons for invading Ukraine are so eerily close to the crap Hitler used to say on the eve of one of his invasions that if old Adolf was still around he would probably sue Putin for copyright infringement.