Heres a list. Would love to hear from anyone who disagrees with any of this

Inflation is at an all time high and getting worse
people are losing massive amounts of money on a daily basis, retirement especially
schools are sinking to new levels in trying to indoctrinate our children and the fbi will label you a terrorist if you speak out
We celebrate the most mentally unstable sickos that exist
The gov is pushing sexuality on our small children
All fuel prices are the worst they have ever been in my life time and are forcasted to get much worse
Violence is absolutely out of control and lawlessness in our cities as maybe the worst ever
White males are the scum of the earth and get treated differently than any other
Food shortages is real and is getting worse, along with out of control pricing
no workers to be found to do most jobs. Everyone is hiring and cant find a soul to hire
The current gov will allow antifa/blm to burn a city down but will arrest you if youre a white male who disagrees
We have spent almost 2 years no struggling to find half of the parts we need here at work. getting worse by the way
Ill stop here but I literally could go on for days here