Crow Hunter & others,

Do you'all know President Trumps work record? He's known for working 14-16 hours a day, been doing it for decades.

I've read how little some presidents have worked bush/clinton/obama and how Trump worked long hours during his presidency. You don't get a lot done going working short hours, I've read two of his books, >he's a work-a-holic, it's well known. Remember him sitting at his desk while sick with covid?

Elon Mush ain't going to do squat, he sells a product to brainwashed environmental eco-nazi's who want to think they're ''ahead of the curve'' on the next big thing.
Mush the influencer at age 50+ is all the sudden going to become an America first kind of guy, laf.
There's a HUGE REASON why the MSM/SWAMP are losing sleep over President Trump > pretty much everybody here can figure out that reason.

Trump did several things I didn't like, one big one putting his silver-spoon daughter & her husband in the WH.
He was attacked from 360* from the beginning before he ever announced he was officially running for president. He was lied to 24/7/365 by every gov't agency that could be named because ''those type people'' were warned that he doesn't like their type. The mere mention of ''how do these people become millionaires'' during their time in office? We all know they're in there cheating/kick-backs/getting favors etc. but no one thus far has did anything about it. He scared them to death and still has MANY who don't sleep well at night. No one else besides Trump is going to keep them up at night.

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.