I was told the same at our local SW- they have no idea what they might get in on a weekly basis, firearms/ammo related- it's all corporate level distribution. We get hosed, pretty much. Shelves and shelves of mostly wierd stuff no one up here uses much, just starting to get some common hunting loads back in, double the price of 2 years ago. Virtually nothing powder related- unless you use BMG, or off-brand? shotgun powders. Those they have.

On a related? note, I like to shop local, especially the non-box stores, if I can, but that has it's limits. I have 3 OMC gas hoses for those outboards, and wanted a spare for the Yamaha, and those hoses are mighty expensive too. So, conversion time for one ... The local boat store, (customer friendly, but backlogged for service up the ring-yang usually) wanted $46 for two Yamaha (OEM) hose ends.

I've two coming from Amazon prime ("free" shipping) for $14 for the pair, and a spare fuel pump for $31 vs $117 OEM. Sure, they are probably Chinee crap, vs Japanese, but all they have to do is get me back to the boat ramp. The on-the-boat parts are OEM, and will remain so.

(There's nothing like traveling 650 miles to go to the remote cabin only to have the fuel pump go out a half mile downstream of the landing - unless it's 50 miles - and something else I don't have along. BTDT smile. Having spare parts along virtually guarantees I'll never need those particulat parts, but something else. Ain't my first rivodeo.. )

Last edited by las; 06/19/22.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.