Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Originally Posted by IZH27
The other apostles and the church considered him an apostle and equal to the other apostles. They considered his writing and teaching to be equal to theirs in authority and consistent in context.

Anyone who developed or parrots a view outside that view speaks out of ignorance or is willfully misrepresentating the issue.
Originally Posted by IZH27
The other apostles and the church considered him an apostle and equal to the other apostles. They considered his writing and teaching to be equal to theirs in authority and consistent in context.

Anyone who developed or parrots a view outside that view speaks out of ignorance or is willfully misrepresentating the issue.

The 12 apostles didn’t consider Paul’s gospel equal at first. That is why the Council of Jerusalem met in 51 A.D. to resolve the differences. Peter initially viewed Jesus’ death as a national sin and crime for which the nation had to repent, not as “good news” for Jesus atoning for sins. Jews saw it as “bad news”, but Peter did eventually come to Paul’s defense at the Council.

There were two separate gospels: the gospel of the kingdom in Jesus’ earthly ministry and then later the gospel of grace in Paul’s ministry, thus the confusion, to this day.

The kingdom gospel to Jews only was taught by John the Baptist, Jesus, and the 12 and required that Jews accept the identity of Jesus and that He was the Messiah, the Son of God. Faith plus works were required in this ministry, along with water baptism, keeping the law, and repentance. This ministry ended after Jewish disbelief and the rejection and death of Jesus.

The ascended Jesus commissioned Paul to witness to mainly the Gentiles based on Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection (the finished works of Jesus) by faith alone, NO works of us required. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 This is still the present gospel in which Jews and Gentiles are equal and will continue until the church, the body of Christ, is complete.

Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection conquered death and has given eternal life to all who believe the gospel of grace. Thank goodness for God’s amazing grace.

God’s mercy and grace brought salvation to the Gentiles after Israel failed. After the Lord removes the church, the body of Christ, ALL of God’s promises and prophecies to Israel will be fulfilled. Romans 11:25-26 Israel has not been replaced by the church

Man. You jacked up on caffeine? I didn’t specify when they considered him to be an apostle. Your explanation changes nothing that I said.

You also need to understand that the Gospel in the Old Testament was no different than the Gospel on the New Testament. It was ALWAYS about faith and NEVER about works.

Dispensational Theology is heresy.