I have kind of stayed away from this thread because I really like birds, live where there are a lot of them and notice them a lot. Afraid once I get going I might be a long time and will always have to come back with one I forgot. Anyway.... on a typical day we see a lot of birds:

white herons
black crowned night herons
green herons
wood storks (maybe seasonal, don't think I've seen one for a while)
great blue heron
ring billed gull
great black back gull
coopers hawk
red tail hawk
bald eagle
downy woodpeckers
red belly woodpecker
Carolina wren
house wren
blue jay
mourning dove
mocking bird
great crested flycatcher
blue jay
tufted titmouse
song sparrow
brown pelican
crested cormorant
European cormorant
field sparrow
eastern phoebe
common yellowthroat
Eastern towhee
red wing black bird
boat tail grackle
golden eye grackle
purple grackle
house finch
blue gray gnatcatcher
cedar waxwing
yellow-rumped warbler
brown headed nuthatch
ruby crowned kinglet
Canada goose

that's it from the list I've been keeping of those I can identify. Can't say I've seen them all the same day.

Mathew 22: 37-39